Dev Log 6 - Post Production

Welcome to my final dev log for this project! :,)

Our game is finally finished, and our team is pretty happy with our work! Before I get into my own tasks, I'd like to just give a big thank you to my team, Barracuda the 3rd. We're all super passionate about this project, and have been since we first started to shape our idea. I've been inspired by everyone's creativity, positivity, and determination, and I'm grateful that I was able to be in this awesome team! 

To get a little more into the specifics of our last few weeks, it's been admittedly a little more chaotic than usual, but this was expected. My main tasks were finishing up with the audio, as well as finalizing our level once more.

Firstly, for our final audio changes, I just needed to create another song for the intro cutscene, as well as some more sound effects for things like the radio pager, harvesting seeds, a selling noise, and more. I found it fun to make another song, and I made a point to use similar instruments/structure to my first song to help create a moody and 'sci-fi' atmosphere for the game. 

The biggest change I had to make this week was to create an entire new game layout. The team decided that we wanted a completely separate area for the second alien type in the game, meaning I had to create a new level layout to account for this extra room. I did my usual process of sketching, then transferring the design into Unity and adjusting according to how the player will interact with the level. Then I had to place all the items back in the scene in a way that made the most sense for the player. The main struggle I had was adding in one of the assets - a wall that separates the two areas - in a way that looked natural. Thankfully, the team had also made some great environment assets, which helped to blend out the wall to feel more natural. I also placed these environment assets around to make the level feel more alive and cave-like. 

The team met up a few times this weekend to finalize everything and make sure all our work was merged together. We had a few small merge conflicts but thankfully they were easily fixable - Github Desktop has been a lifesaver for fixing merge conflicts! Overall, everyone worked hard and put a lot of time and love into the project, and I'm truly proud of the whole team and the work we put in to finish the game. Thank you all!

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