Dev Log 3 - Scheduling My Work

Hello hello! Welcome to another dev log.

This week my group focused on continuing our GDD. I unfortunately had to miss our usual Tuesday meeting at 4:00, so I was given another task to complete throughout the week: Come up with a few world mechanics for the game. I worked on the GDD with the group during our class meeting, and then came up with some mechanics which I sent to the group later. One of the best things my group is doing is having regular meetings and working on things together. This holds us all accountable, and is a great way to get to know my teammates better!

In general though, we have a lot going on for other classes as well, not to mention trying to work on portfolios and networking, so I'm sure everyone is trying to figure out how to schedule their commitments. One of the things I do to schedule and stay organized is to have everything in my Google Calendar. Any calendar app would work, but I use Google Calendar because you can make 'events', which appear bolded, and 'tasks' which you can check off. I have all my deadlines in the calendar as 'events' so I can see them bolded at the top of each day.

Even so, it's easy to get behind if you don't follow the tasks you have every day. Something else I've been trying to do is spread my work across multiple days. For some reason I often tell myself that once I start a project, I should try to finish it all in one go, but all this does is burn me out and give me worse results. So, I've been trying to spread things out more, doing multiple smaller bits of work each day. This has helped me a lot mentally, and I've still been getting the same amount of work done, so I'd recommend it!

To conclude, my group has decided we won't be working through reading week, but we will be working on finalizing our documents and presentation through design week. Since our presentations are due on the Tuesday right after design week we'll have to somehow get everything together before then. We are pretty much done our team charter, have a start on the creative brief, and have made good progress in the GDD as well, so I think we're on a good track. 

Thanks for reading!


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It's a great idea to use calendar apps for scheduling, especially ones that let you sync up with other people. Being able to match schedules with your group members to find dates that work for meetings and milestones is a big plus. I also like that you're splitting your workload between multiple days, it sounds very effective as I'm currently in the 'do it in one go' mentality. 

Hi Sarah! It's incredible to hear that Google Calender is working out for you. What you said about spreading you work over a couple of days instead of in one shot is legitimately revolutionary. I find myself doing that except I'm not working on other projects simultaneously because I convince myself that I can't focus on one until i finish the other. I will definitely be trying out scheduling my workload purposefully in smaller parts everyday thank you for the wisdom. o7